
Muv-Luv Alternative Shiranui Storm / Strike Vanguard part 2

Another great model from GN particles! check it out

The article here: shows the book techniques clearly, and in some ways in more detail than the published book  “Painting Guide for AFV” by José Luis Lopez Ruiz.

Here’s the weathering so far!DSC02550The first step for all the pieces after the basic airbrush shading was completed was to take shades of grey paint, some darker, some lighter, heavily thinned (with Tamiya acrylic thinner) to make the splotches.DSC02551 After the splotches were dry I used an old sponge (that I’d warn down using it with Tamiya weathering master) to add patches of light, medium or dark grey.DSC02552 On some pieces like this, I wasn’t happy enough with my first pass so I used the grey paint on the airbrush just to minimize areas I wasn’t happy back to give me a clean area to have another go. So far, these techniques are very forgiving.DSC02553 I really wanted to rough up the shield. Although I like the hexagonal details, the flat surface would just look too boring without major work.DSC02554 The shoulder sections are very interesting with lots of nice edges to rough up with the paint effects.DSC02555 DSC02557 DSC02558 DSC02559 You can really see that I had a lot of fun with these pieces!DSC02560 DSC02561 DSC02562 DSC02563And here’s all the pieces with a top coat of Future Finish, drying awaiting the next stage. What I’ll be doing next is using a thin oil-paint wash into the panel lines and to add depth to creviced areas.

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via Muv-Luv Alternative Shiranui Storm / Strike Vanguard part 2


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